회원사 소개

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  • 회원사 소개
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기업명 (주)대산플랜트
본사주소 [(주)대산플랜트] 경남 김해시 한림면 가산로 53
대표자명 이종욱
대표자 성별 남자
대표 FAX번호 055-343-6212
홈페이지 http://www.daesanplant.com
산업분류 비전략산업 - 공산품등
제품정보 : 각 제품순번에 따른 제품명과 설명입니다.
제품 1
Turbine Generator (Replacement, Insulation, Laminates), Bulletproof (Vest, Helmet, Plate), Industrial Composite & Fabrics, Unidirectional Prepreg (UD)
Daesan Plant Co., Ltd. (DAESAN) would like to express our deepest gratitude and appreciation to all of those who have supported us over the years. We have produced Laminated sheets (electrical insulation), Replacement service of Generator, Protection products and have supplied to overseas and domestic buyers. Since its establishment in 1993, DAESAN has tried its best to manufacture the finest quality products, offer reasonable prices and improve service. In order to cope and thrive in an Ever-Changing world, more importantly, to meet your unique needs & expectations, we have focused on continuous R&D activities, keeping our products innovative and excellent in quality. We also have focused on producing a thorough cost analysis to maintain competitive product price. Furthermore, based on our philosophy of “Customer is the first”, we make conscious choices as a global corporation. We attempt unique business strategies, expecting to satisfy customers and to create big responses in market. For example, we have formed Equipment Business division with the purposes of providing and installing various equipment and machinery. The equipment and machinery are specifically required for the productions of Body-armor, Armor plate, Helmet, Bulletproof fabric & UD Complex products, and Heat resisting & Insulation products. Finally, DAESAN will constantly provide innovative products and abundant profit by meeting your expectation. We invite you to share in our success and let us promise your happiness in the future.