회원사 소개

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  • 회원사 소개
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기업명 에스엠텍
본사주소 [에스엠텍] 부산광역시 남구 유엔로 224(부산광역시 남구 대연동 565-15 SMT) 48529
대표자명 진호문
대표자 성별 남자
대표 FAX번호 051-611-8091
홈페이지 http://mysmt.co.kr
산업분류 비전략산업 - 공산품등
제품정보 : 각 제품순번에 따른 제품명과 설명입니다.
제품 1
PVC Single-sided Foam Seal Gasket
Flame-resistant high-density PVC foam tape. Closed-cell PVC foam was coated on one side with a high-quality pressure-sensitive acrylic adhesive.
제품 2
Pipe / Flange Covering
Prevent GRIT inflowing and Isolation humidity inside the pipe
제품 3
Butyl Tape
Fiberglass laminating butyl tape which has excellent adhesive strength to all kinds of steel and PVC to protect the air pinhole from piping work when applies on connecting area such as ducts and pipes
제품 4
Flexible Duct
Fully flexible thermally insulated ducts designed for the HVAC market to connect the curved surface of the connecting area in ventilation
제품 5
Ecowool Paper
Specially processed for high temperature. Non-flammable, low thermal conductivity, easy to cut or wrap