회원사 소개

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  • 회원사 소개
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기업명 엠티아이
본사주소 [엠티아이] 경상남도 창원시 성산구 공단로 116 (신촌동)
대표자명 신상준
대표자 성별
대표 FAX번호 055-710-1785
홈페이지 http://www.mti21.com
산업분류 전략산업 - (지식기반기계)금속탱크, 저장조 및 유사 용기 제조업
제품정보 : 각 제품순번에 따른 제품명과 설명입니다.
제품 1
EPC Plant Oil and Gas Plant
MTi started to make a business for Shipbuilding equipment and Cranes from 1993 and we are one of the leading company for engineering and supplying Oil and Gas Plant, Oil storage tank, Oil Refinery Plant in the world today. As a well-known EPC contractor, Mti provides high quality EPC plants and equipment such as Oil and Gas Plant, Oil storage tank, Oil Refinery Plant to many countries. Our goal is to provide advanced, efficient, qualified equipment with the lowest cost to our worldwide customers.
제품 2
Shiplift and Transfer System
Shiplift is a modern alternative for a slipway, a floating dry dock or a graving dry dock. Shiplift is used to dry dock and launch ships. It consists of a structural platform that is lifted and lowered exactly vertical, synchronously by a number of hoists. First, the platform is lowered underwater, then the ship is floated above the support, and finally the platform with ship support and ship is lifted and the ship is brought to the level of the quay. MTi’s Shiplift and Transfer System were developed for ship repair and navy as well as new shipbuilding, and is the most excellent system in point of view quick and safe loading on ground, and the opposite way quick and safe launching a ship by a number of hydro winch mechanism synchronized, it can run two ships taking in and out a day completely from the sea to ground berth and from ground berth to the sea.