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산업분류 전략산업 - (지식기반기계)자동차 엔진용 부품 제조업
제품정보 : 각 제품순번에 따른 제품명과 설명입니다.
제품 1
Differential Assembly
In automobiles and other wheeled vehicles, the differential allows the outer drive wheel to rotate faster than the inner drive wheel during a turn. This is necessary when the vehicle turns, making the wheel that is travelling around the outside of the turning curve roll farther and faster than the other. The average of the rotational speed of the two driving wheels equals the input rotational speed of the drive shaft. An increase in the speed of one wheel is balanced by a decrease in the speed of the other.
제품 2
Rotor Shaft for Electric Vehicle
Rotor shaft transfers torque generated in an Electric Drive Motor which transforms electric energy to kinetic energy.
제품 3
Selection System Assembly
Selection System Assembly is consisted of control shaft, housing, shifting and selecting levers, interlocking and back-up lamp switches, etc. when a driver operates a gearshift for a change of speed, it transmits the operated force from gearshift to gearbox and controls the accurate position of each speed gear through fork shift in manual transmission.