About GAM

Gyeongnam Art Museum


Organization Chart and Contact No.
TEL : 055-254-4600 / TEL during holidays and at night 055-254-4642 / FAX : 055-254-4619
미술관 담당자의 직위,이름,전화번호,담당업무를 나타내는 표입니다.
Title Name TEL Duties
Director Kim Gyeongsu 254-4601 General management on the businesses of the Gyeongnam Provincial Museum of Art
Administration Manager Bae Gyeongyong 254-4610 Management of the Gyeongnam Provincial Museum of Art and general management concerning curatorial business
Administration Office Ryu Jiho 254-4612 General administrative work, general business planning, establishment of business plans
Kim Seonghyeok 254-4613 Auditing, provincial council, budget planning and settlement, facility management, business related to disaster prevention, safety and protection of the Gyeongnam Provincial Museum of Art
Joo Jinhun 254-4614 Management of electrical system and energy, unmanned security and CCTV management, management of security guards and contract employees, lease of exhibition hall and facilities, permanent educational programs.
Park Donggeon 254-4615 Contracts, expenditures, and revenue management
Park Muyoung 254-4616 General administrative work (e.g. data collection, welfare for employees, personal information), archive management
Ji Dahui 254-4617 Homepage, computer security, volunteers and group visits, ticketing system, public property and articles, family movie show
Seo Sangbyeong 254-4626 Power substation and central control room management, maintenance of exhibition lighting system and street lights
Chae Sookwon 254-4627 Operation of automatic and controlled mechanical systems, heat radiating and the storage system, management of cleaning workers and environment
Curatorial Office Jang Yeojin 254-4632 General curatorial businesses
Kim Jaehwan 254-4635 Exhibition planning and implementation, promotion, academic and cultural events
Seol Wonji 254-4633 Exhibition planning and implementation, education program operation, management of library, administrative work for curatorial business
Byeon Sujeong 254-4634 Exhibition planning and implementation, purchase of collections and management of storage, director of interns
Park Hyeonhui 254-4636 on maternity leave
Information Desk 254-4659, 4660 including exhibition guides
Night Duty Room 254-4642