Commander of Three-province Navy

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Commander of Three-province Navy

In 1593, Yi sun-shin also defeated the Japanese naval force in Busan and Woongcheon, and completely swept the enemies in the southern coastal area, then the fleet had its main quarter moved to Hansando, and he became the first Commander of Three-province Navy in Joseon.

In the next year, as the naval force of Ming came to relief, the main quarter was moved to Juk-do and defeated the Japanese forces in Jangmunpo. Thereafter, it prevented the Japanese forces to advance to the west coastal line to attack the backside of its enemy.

Thereafter, while the truce attempts of Ming Dynasty and Japan were on the way to have the war stalled, and Yi sun-shin was preparing for the next battle while working on military training, expansion of military supplies, assisting the living of refugees, encouraging of industrial affairs and others.

The battle of Haengju Fortress

However, when the truce negotiation between Ming Dynasty and Japan that had been went on for several years finally broke up in 1597, the Japanese forces re-invaded the land which is known as the Jeongyujaeran. With this development, Yi sun-shin was glad to have the opportunity to destroy the enemy and fully prepared for the battle.