Noryang Battle and Patriotic Death

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Noryang Battle and Patriotic Death

On November 19, 1598, Yi sun-shin found 500 ships gathered in Noryang to help Gonisi Command to escape and Yi sun-shin persuaded the Admiral of Ming Dynasty Jin Lin who tried to stay away from fighting. He led the fleet to attack the Japanese battle ships and the Japanese forces that were incompetent to undertake the attack and the Japanese force had to lose substantial number of battle ships and numerous casualties.

However, unfortunately, Yi sun-shin was shot and died while leading the ship on the front in his efforts to fight against the enemy. Until the moment he died, he said that, "the fight is still on-going and do not say that I died."

The battle in Noryang The battle in Noryang

His son was going to cry out but Lee Mun-wook was next to him and stopped him to cry out, then he covered the body with the clothes and pounded the drum to continue fighting. Soldiers did not know that the Commander's death and totally defeated the Japanese forces with their high-flying spirit. Everyone shouted that "the died sun-shin defeated live Japanese invader." With the news of his death, all people cried in agony.

Noryang Battle was the final battle with the patriotism and excellence of the Joseon naval force and was the largest victory led by the Joseon naval force.