Starting Over

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Starting Over

In the meantime, Yoshira, double spy and subordinate of Gonisi approached Gyeongsang Woobyeongsa Kim Eung-seo that Gato would come across the sea and capture him with the naval force. Falling on to the scheme of Yoshira who was the spy of the Japanese force, King Seonjo and Royal Court ordered Commander of Three-province Navy Yi sun-shin to lead his naval force to attack the fleet of Gato Kiyosama.

Therefore, Yi sun-shin knew it was the scheme of things by the enemy but he had to come out for the engagement of battle, but Gato was in Seosaengpo several days ago already. Therefore, Yi sun-shin had cautious military operation for the seaway was very turbulent and watch for ambush attack of the Japanese naval force. Therefore, the Royal Court thought that Yi sun-shin broke the order and lost the opportunity to attack the Japan.

On February 26, 1597, the Royal Court of Joseon dismissed Yi sun-shin from the Commander of Three-province Navy and arrested him to the Uigeumbu. King Seonjo said that 'he has to be executed for he was unforgivable criminal under the law', and ordered to 'punish him to say that he made mistake by himself.'

Sipgyeong-do (As a prisoner) Sipgyeong-do (As a prisoner)

Thereafter, Yi sun-shin was tortured severely for several times. At this time, Jung Tak who was the Panchungchu Busa submitted the petition for relief to aggressively defended Yi sun-shin. This sangso was well written one formed with 1,298 letters, and the Royal Court saved the execution against Yi sun-shin and ordered him to fight as a commoner.

Thereafter, Yi sun-shin was headed to the southern coast but heard the news of his mother passing away, and he spent at her funeral but went to the south again. In July of the same year, Commander of Three-province Navy Won Gyun fell in for the inducement strategy of the enemy to completely defeated in Chilcheonryang of Geoje that the undefeated fleet was completely destroyed, and the military presence of Hansando was long gone then.

What was Baekui Jonggun?
Baekui Jonggun was a punishment for military officer who committed material crime under the Joseon Dynasty to participate in battle without any position or command.
Yi sun-shin was participated in the battles to subdue Nuzhen who invaded Nokdun-do, the northern side of Duman River in 1588, four years before the Imjin War, as Baekui Jonggun, and during the Imjin War, he had his second Baekui Jonggun.
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